François Couperin: Pièces de Violes **

François Couperin: Pièces de Violes **


Markku Luolajan-Mikkola, bass-viol
Mikko Perkola, bass-viol
Aapo Häkkinen, harpsichord

Release Date:

12th November 2007

Cat No:



£7.79 (1CD Jewel Case | 24-page booklet) | 40% discount (usual price £12.99)



“Markku Luolajan-Mikkola plays with enormous reverence and attention to detail” – Gramophone


The music on this recording, written towards the end of Couperin’s long and prosperous service to Louis XIV, belongs to a tradition of private and intimate, even therapeutic, chamber music. It also mark the end of the greatest period of French viol music. The more extrovert violin had already begun its triumphal progress which continues even today.

Many connoisseurs of the viol considered their favourite instrument far superior to the upstart violin. Hubert le Blanc argued that the special bowing technique of the viol made it possible to convey emotions in a particularly nuanced and subtle way while Jean-Jacques Rousseau admired the tendresse of the viol’s sound. Listening to the Couperin works for viol it is easy to share the view of these enthusiasts. The highly refined style, the composer’s absolute technical mastery of his craft and the freedom and elegance of Couperin’s musical imagination highlight the viol’s timbre to great effect.



Pieces de Violes avec la basse Chifrée par Mr. F. C. 1728
1ere Suite (21:53)
1. I Prelude gravement (3:40)
2. II Allemande Légere (2:21)
3. III Courante (1:59)
4. IV Sarabande Grave (4:01)
5. V Gavotte gracieusement sans lenteur (2:10)
6. VI Gigue gayment (2:15)
7. VII Passacaille ou Chaconne (5:27)

2eme Suiite (16:51)
8. I Prelude gravement (2:48)
9. II Fuguette (2:13)
10. III Pompe Funebre tres gravement (7:46)
11. IV La Chemise blanche tres viste (4:04)

Les Goûts Réunis (1724)

10eme Concert (10:17)
12. I [Prelude] Gravement et mesuré (1:48)
13. II Air Tendre et Louré sans lenteur (2:56)
14. III Plainte pour les Violes lentement et douloureusement (3:48)
15. IV La Tromba légérement (1:45)

12eme Concert à deux Violes, ou autres instruments à L’unisson (7:48)
16. I [Prelude] Pointé-ulé (1:24)
17. II Badinage (1:57)
18. III [sans titre] Lentement, et patétiquement (1:08)
19. IV Air gracieusement, et légérement (3:19)

13eme Concert à 2 instruments à L’unisson (9:26)
20. I [Prelude] Vivement (1:05)
21. II Air agréablement (2:55)
22. III Sarabande tendrement (3:18)
23. IV Chaconne Légere (2:08)

Recorded 29-31 May 2007, at the Karjaa Church (c. 1470), Finland
Recording Producer: Tuuli Lindeberg
Recording Engineer: Jari Rantakaulio
A co-production with The Finnish Broadcasting Company/YLE Culture

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