Steven Grahl | director

Steven Grahl | director



Steven Grahl was Director of Music and Tutor in Music at Christ Church, Oxford 2018-2023, during which time he was also an Associate Professor of Music at Oxford University, and Conductor of Schola Cantorum of Oxford. Steven served as Director of Music at Peterborough Cathedral from 2014 to 2018, where he was responsible for training the Cathedral Choir, and for the re-pitching of the Hill Organ, on which instrument he recorded a solo CD. Peterborough Cathedral Choir’s recording of Cheryl Frances-Hoad’s EvenYouSong, made under Steven’s direction, was released to critical acclaim in December 2017. Steven was an interpretation finalist in the International Organ Competitions at St Albans (UK) in 2011, and in Dudelange (Luxembourg) in 2013, and completed his term as President of the Incorporated Association of Organists in 2019. He is a prize-winning graduate of Magdalen College, Oxford, and the Royal Academy of Music, gained the top prizes in the FRCO examination, and is also a holder of the Worshipful Company of Musicians’ Silver Medallion. In 2010, he was elected an Associate of the Royal Academy of Music.