Christopher Tyler Nickel: GATM – Death and Resurrection EP
Catherine Redding, soprano | Fabiana Katz, mezzo-soprano
Carman J. Price, tenor | Steven Bélanger, baritone
Vancouver Contemporary Orchestra
Clyde Mitchell, conductor
10th March 2023
Death and Resurrection is the third of three digital EPs foreshadowing the Easter 2023 release of Canadian composer Christopher Tyler Nickel’s epic, 7-CD oratorio setting of the complete Gospel According to Mark. The EP’s five movements – “Jesus’ Arrest”, “The Death of Jesus”, “The Resurrection”, “Jesus Appears To Mary Magdalene and to the Disciples” and “The Ascension and Amen”
Death and Resurrection is the most dramatic of the three EPs excerpted from the oratorio The Gospel According to Mark. Everything in the Gospel’s narrative points to this fulfillment of the prophecy through the sacrifice of Jesus’ life. Filled with mixed and conflicting emotions, the music features themes that are used throughout the oratorio, but here they come into their fullest forms and interweave with one another. The declamatory ‘Jesus’ Arrest’ features baritone Steven Bélanger in a duet with solo bass oboe. Both its melodic and harmonic content outline the structure of the ‘darkness’ motif heard earlier. ‘The Death of Jesus’ begins with a harmonically altered version of the ‘miracle’ theme, a gentler version of the melodic material used to represent ‘the abomination’, and once again the ‘darkness’ motif, heard in the oboes. ‘Resurrection’ brings the return of the theme used for Jesus’ baptism. When Jesus is seen in the sepulchre, we hear a reprise of the ‘miracle’ theme, and when he speaks, this theme blossoms into a more hopeful gesture as he gives instructions to spread the word of his resurrection. ‘Jesus Appears to Mary Magdalene and to the Disciples’ features a haunting elongated oboe solo, foreshadowed in previous movements and now presented in its fullest form in a duet with soprano Catherine Redding. Lastly, ‘The Ascension and Amen’ reprises the ‘miracle’ theme first heard at the beginning of the oratorio, but with a slight alteration as it takes on a symmetric form that serves to bookend the entire work. This finale does not leave us with a glorious ending, however, but rather reflects on an unfinished story. Jesus gave his life for humanity’s sins, but the world is left both with this gift and with questions that each must answer for themselves. As such, the music leaves us with a sense of incomplete peace, urging us to think back on the preceding text.
GATM – Death and Resurrection
Excerpts from The Gospel According to Mark, an oratorio
1. I. Jesus’ Arrest 4.01
2. II. The Death of Jesus 3.21
3. III. The Resurrection 3.30
4. IV. Jesus Appears to Mary Magdalene and to the Disciples 4.42
5. V. The Ascension and Amen 3.52
Catherine Redding, soprano (1–5) · Fabiana Katz, mezzo-soprano (1–3, 5)
Carman J. Price, tenor (1–3, 5) · Steven Bélanger, baritone (1–3, 5)
Vancouver Contemporary Orchestra
Clyde Mitchell, conductor
Mixed and mastered by Vince Renaud at VR Sound (vincerenaud.com)
Orchestra Contractor: Hal Beckett (vancouverfilmorchestra.com)
Produced by Christopher Tyler Nickel | Edited by Mikhelvin Chuahuico, Christopher Tyler Nickel & Vince Renaud
Print music is available from the Canadian Music Centre
Recorded: June–July 2019, Armoury Studios, Vancouver (armourystudios.com)
Engineer: Vince Renaud · Score Reader: Bruce Carabine
For Armoury Studios – Assistant Engineer: Spencer Bleasdale · Studio Assistant: Ricardo Germain · Manager: Paul Silveira