The Siena Lute Book
Jacob Heringman, lute
26th April 2004
Jacob Heringman is one of the world’s most respected and innovative solo lute players. He is well known for his extensive discography of over 50 CDs as a soloist, collaborator and ensemble player. His well-earned reputation for seeking out rare and unjustly neglected renaissance repertoire is borne out by The Siena Lute Book, one of the richest and most important sources of 16th-century Italian lute music. Represented in this expansive anthology are the great Francisco da Milano, the neglected master Fabritio Dentice, Giulio Severino, Pierino Fiorentino, as well as the mysterious FB and BM, the latter described by Galilei as a “Florentine gentleman”.
1. Francesco da PARIGI (fl early to mid 16th century) [Fantasia?] (28) (3:32)
2. ANONYMOUS [Fantasia?] (25) (3:34)
3. Francesco da MILANO (1497-1543) [Fantasia] (8) (4:02)
4. MILANO [Ricercar?] (81) (1:07)
5. ANON(Francesco da Milano?) [Fantasia?] (79) (3:03)
6. MILANO [Recercata] (87) (1:12)
7. ANON Fantasia (MLB2) (3:27)
8. ANON Passemezo del giorgio (MLB9) (2:27)
9. MILANO Ricercata (MLB11) (1:53)
10. Fabrizio DENTICE? (c1539?-1581) [Fantasia] (23) (5:37)
11. Perino FIORENTINO (1523-1552) [Fantasia?] (17) (3:04)
12. DENTICE [Fantasia?] (33) (2:48)
13. ANON Spagna detta Lamire. Quarto Modo* (153) (1:30)
14. ANON Spagna detta Lamire. Secondo Modo* (151) (1:20)
15. Giulio Segni da MODENA (1498-1561) [Ricercar ottavo] (56) (2:06)
16. Clément JANEQUIN/anon. lute setting Orsus orsus [Or sus, or sus vous dormes] (117) (5:35)
17. MILANO Ricerchare (130) (2:11)
18. Pierre SANDRIN/anon. lute setting La Volunté (108) (3:26)
19. Thomas CRECQUILLION/anon. lute setting [Pour ung plaisir] (121) (3:25)
20. ANON Fantasia (98) (1:47)
21. Giulio SEVERINO (fl late 16th century) [Fantasia?] (42) (3:36)
22. MILANO Fantasia (132) (2:09)
23. ANON [Balletto](156) (1:38)
24. ANON [Gagliarda] (154) (2:21)
25. ANON [Gagliarda] (155) (1:59)
26. DENTICE [Fantasia?] (73) (2:55)
Total time: 72:06
*Tracks 13 and 14 are lute duets performed with Lynda Sayce (six-course lute in g’ by Ivo Magherini, Bremen, 2004)
Numbers in parentheses refer to the numbering of the pieces in the Minkoff facsimile edition of the Siena Lute Book, edited by Arthur Ness (Geneva: Minkoff, 1988), except in the cases of tracks 7-9, which are from the Medici Lute Book.
Recorded 19 – 20 September, 7 November and 15 December 2003, in the Church of St. Michael and all Angels, Great Tew, Oxfordshire
Produced, engineered, edited and mastered by Adrian Hunter